Need More Leads? Get My Quick Guide


I’ve been where you are. You started your company to have more freedom. To control your destiny. To have more time.

And it’s not turning out that way. You’re spending more time than you ever imagined but worse than that, you feel like you are on a roller coaster when it comes to cash flow-the constant search for new clients has you exhausted.

I’m here to tell you that you can change that.


I am a business owner, a local marketing expert, an operations manager, a speaker and a darn good analyst.

I’m also a Google Ads expert, I even wrote one of those “For Dummies” books on the topic!

I’ve been a computer engineer, a consultant, an accountant (just for myself), a project manager and an online store owner (and that’s only a few of my past roles).  All of which have contributed to my skills and professional growth over the years.  

Over the last ten years have developed some serious mindset skills which has been the most important catalyst to my business growth.  And I have a passion for learning and self-improvement on this journey we call life. 


I have a knack for sifting through the chaos and turning it into processes and systems.  And for finding the 80/20 approach that leads to success without overwhelm.


You and I both know that building a business can be hard work. It’s not for the feign of heart. Both the benefits are sooo worth all of our efforts! What we can create in the end is a life that WE have designed to give us and our family 


Freedom means different things to different people.  

To me, it means CHOICE.

It means having the choice to spend your time the way you want to spent it. Having the choice to travel if that is your passion. Having the choice to build a small team or a large team. Having the choice to live where you want. Having the choice to give to your causes. Having the choice to provide the things for your family that helps them become the best versions of themselves such as college or adventures.

I’m on a mission to help you find your freedom. To help you build your business to give you the life of YOUR design.


I’m on a journey of learning, applying, teaching, sharing and growing!  If that sounds like fun to you, join me and we’ll do this together!!

To Your Freedom,


I am an animal lover and advocate-especially cats! We have two furbabies of our own and we hope to have more as our freedom grows.

I’ve been married to the love of my life pretty much my entire adult life and we are navigating this crazy journey of ups and downs together. We’ve got 3 amazing kids that are on the brink of adulthood and bring us fun, stress, chaos & confusion but mostly joy. We are knocking on the door of ’empty nesters’ and have very mixed feelings about that next season – we love the idea of having more ‘couple time’ but our kids get cooler and cooler as they mature and we’ll miss the chaos and the hustle of the teen years!

I love animals, music, travel, nature & outdoors (especially the warmth of the sun), boating, hockey, and anything Disney!

I LOVE to learn. I can never own “too many” books. And I have an office supply addiction – especially notebooks and pens if you can relate!

I am obsessed with managing my thoughts and self-improvement. I think that we are in this world to be the best version of ourselves we can be and how we show up is EVERYTHING!

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